Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wednesday October 28th - Continue through Enzymes

Today's first two daily questions came directly from the notes we took yesterday.  The third was a question that required you to understand the structure of proteins.

Our discussion:
Then we continued through the notes so that we can move into a lab showing enzyme activity on Monday.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday October 27th - Introduction to Enzymes

Today's Daily Questions hit a key part of yesterday's discussion and then led us into an introduction to our last topic of this chapter, Enzymes.

You then worked through a set of wrap up questions about the different macro molecules.
BEFORE completing that assignment, some classes watched the following Crash Course as a quick review.

Next up..... ENZYMES
We didn't get very far into enzymes but at least did a nice intro that we will continue through tomorrow.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday October 26th - Proteins and Nucleic acids notes

Friday October 23rd you guys took your daily question quiz and then we finished up notes on Proteins.  Today we moved into our last organic macromolecule - Nucleic Acids.

Here were today's daily questions and discussion:

These were the notes from Friday and today about proteins and Nucleic Acids

Another interesting example of a protein is found in Jello......  You will never look at Jello the same after you listen to this podcast :)

Finally - Nucleic Acids:
 Then we built some nucleotides using K'nex Models (pics to come)

Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday October 23rd - Macromolecule structure and function DQQ

It' FRIDAY!!!  
You know what THAT means!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Click one the images above to access the quiz.  Good Luck!!!

GO BLUE!!!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday October 21st - Lipids

Yesterday we finished up Carbohydrates - and some classes wrote down the first slide of lipids.  Today we went through all of these.  We started off with a review of some Carbohydrate info though:

Then into Lipids we went:

Missed our discussion on lipids?  I encourage you to watch the following youtube clip to get an idea of what we discussed.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday October 20th - Finish up Carbohydrates

We started today by answering one daily question and then reviewing our activity around Glucose:
 And.... you built your models again:

NEXT up - We continued through carbohydrates:
Some classes watched this YouTube clip about what the heck High Fructose Corn Syrup is (and why it's now MUCH different than simple Sucrose)
On to LIPIDS tomorrow!!!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday October 19th - Carbohydrates Structure

Today's daily question continued along with the book work and finished up the 'intro' to each of the Organic Macromolecules.  I had you reference the back page of the book work to answer these:
We then moved into notes for organic chemistry.  The first couple slides simply summed up some of the daily questions / book work / crash course that we did last week.

Here is a Podcast of the drawing and the models that we built:

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday October 15th - Continue through Organic Compounds

Today I had a chance to see all classes so we could continue to go through Organic Compounds.  We started off with the following daily questions:
ScreenCast of today's Daily Question Discussion:
The rest of the period you finished up the book work from Chapter 3 Section 3 - Carbon Compounds.

This was worth 5 participation points.

Look over the chemical makeup of Carbon, the elements found in Carbohydrates and examples of lipids & Nucleic Acids.

Wednesday October 15th - PSAT.........

Wednesday October 15th 
Today all the 10 graders were taking the PSAT.....  This MISERABLY long exam is used to start preparing to take the SAT.  While many were VERY discouraged at the end.... and felt something like this....

Don't be discouraged though!!!!!!  This test is just to give you an idea of what you would need to start doing to get ready for the SAT.  For many of you, you have not even taken the math that would be required to answer a lot of the math portion.

ANYway.....  Because of the test, I only saw my 7th and 9th period classes!!

Chin up 10th graders!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday September 13th - Introduction to Carbon and Carbon Compounds

Today we started into the next section of The Chemistry of Life.  We will spend this week and probably the beginning of next week on organic chemistry.  I started you off with the following daily questions:
Here is the screencast of our discussion:
Next up we watched probably the most memorable Crash Course video.  One that is VERY important since all life is made up of carbon compounds.  I will reference this video and this whole section for the REST OF THE YEAR!!!!!  

So watch it!!

The rest of the class period you began the Organic Compounds Directed Reading.  This allowed you to read through this section before we dive head first.  We will continue through that tomorrow.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Wednesday and Thursday October 7th and 8th - Wonders of Water Wrap Up

Wednesday October 7th we took time to take all of our knowledge of the properties of water and discuss them in a classwork assignment.  This was a way to take all of your notes and see the big picture.  I gave you the entire period to work through these.  If you did not finish, they were to be turned in today (Thursday).  Last call on those will be tomorrow.

Today we continued our "Wonders of Water" wrap up with a little review contest.   I gave you guys 10 sample keystone questions about water, you got into groups and went through these questions.

Here were questions and answers: