Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Monday and Tuesday December 19th and 20th - Cellular Respiration overview

On Monday I gave you two different activities to work through to give you a general introductory understanding of cellular respiration.  Today we had the following daily questions based off of that information.

You were given the rest of this period to finish up your Cellular respiration work.  Tomorrow we will have an Open Notes Quiz and you will turn in those papers!!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday December 16th - Photosynthesis Daily Question Quiz

Still pretty cold outside today!!!!

.... but.........

That doesn't get us out of taking our daily question quiz!!!

Here ya go ;)


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thursday December 15th - Continue through Photosynthesis

Well - We had our first 2 hour delay!!!
Which means we didn't get AS much done as I'd hoped.  We still managed to chug along though!!!

Daily Questions:

And then the following notes:

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wednesday December 14th - Photosynthesis Continued

Yesterday while I was away, you guys worked through some photosynthesis questions and started into a packet that outlines Photosynthesis.  Today we started with the following daily questions - I encouraged you to look over the overall equation for photosynthesis when answering these:
The rest of the period was yours to finish up the "Need for Energy" packet.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday December 12th - Intro to Photosynthesis

Last week we went through the overall process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration and looked at how the two are related.  This week we will get into the specifics of Photosynthesis.   To start off, we had these daily questions:

Then started into the notes:

Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday December 9th - Energy of Life Daily Question Quiz

Today the Intro to Bioenergetics Daily Question Quiz will be on Study Island!!

Head over to the Island and get started!!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Wednesday and Thursday December 7th and 8th - Bioenergetics Introduction

Well................   It's been a while dear friends!!!

Since we have been back from Thanksgiving break we managed to take our Cell Membrane and Transport Exam and then this week started into Bioenergetics.  On Monday and Tuesday you worked through a directed reading and an active reading.

Wednesday we spent the WHOLE class period on Daily Questions.  You completed these questions on Study Island and then we came back across the hall and went over them.  Here are some of the screen shots:

Today we started with only 2 daily questions that went along with your directed readings:

All the notes we looked at today went along with your directed reading.  You did not write any of these in your notebooks: