Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Why we are doing this!!

Many of you have been complaining about how difficult these CDT's were.  REMEMBER - we are only a quarter of the way through the content that it was testing you for!  This is just to see where you are at.  ALSO keep in mind though, if you scored in the green area that does NOT mean that you are ready to actually take the keystone.  It is a nice starting point but by the time the test comes around I would like you all in the blue in all four areas!!  No complaining guys!!
This is a sample of the data that I receive after you have taken the exam.  I am glad to see that there was a majority of you in the green in the first two sections.  We have covered the first section and half of the second section (Bioenergetics, Homeostasis and Transport).  I am also not CONCERNED that many of you were in the low green or red areas on the last two.  These are topics that you have covered in previous science classes but will not learn in detail until the second half of the year.  My goal is to see you improving throughout the year.  Again - Just because it is green does NOT mean you are Keystone ready, but it DOES show me that we have a nice starting point!

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