Thursday, December 19, 2013

Study Island data - Midterm review

Yesterday you guys took a Study Island midterm review exam.  When you finished the test - not only did it give you your total score, but how you scored in specific areas. (see the sample scoring below)

Today I encouraged you to look at the areas where you scored the lowest and take classtime today going through those sections either on study island or through your midterm study guide.

On study Island if you click on the top tab labeled "Science" and then choose biology keystone exam prep you can then chose the topics you struggled in and go through as many sample questions as you can.  The midterm is over any content in areas labeled "Cells and Cell processes"   I starred the topics the person above should focus on.

I also gave everyone their first two CDT scores to see how they are progressing.  We will take the CDT again on the day you have extended time for the midterm.  There will be a scale that corresponds with these scores. Check out this sample students and how i will base the scale.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Cellular Respiration Wrap up

We started with the following daily questions:
When we went through these questions i encouraged you to use the test taking strategies we have talked about.  FIRST thing you should do when reading a question is think about all the things you KNOW about the concepts being questioned.  In this case I had you make a list of all the things you knew about aerobic respiration (the list in the top right hand corner) then all you knew about bacteria (the list in the top left hand corner)  After creating these lists the answers came pretty easy!!!  Keep on using this strategy when answering daily questions or test questions.
Then we finished up with the aerobic processes and anaerobic respiration:

Monday, December 16, 2013

Cellular Respiration Intro

Friday we had our daily question quiz and then watched the following Crash Course video as an intro to cellular respiration.

Today we started with the following daily questions from study island
And then the notes:

You did NOT write out all of these chemical formulas.  What I was trying to point out here was all the
different enzymes that are involved in this process.

we also watched the following clip about how much oxygen we actually breath in and then right back out again.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Photosynthesis Notes


Daily questions for the week

It has been a crazy past two weeks and we are really chugging along with content this year!!  I apologize for not being as good about updating the blog lately!!  Here are the daily Questions from this week so far.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Wednsday, Thursday Friday Catch up

Wednesday December 3rd
Some student's were taking the Algebra keystone exam in the morning.  Those who were not - and the classes the rest of the day continued to work on their Energy in Living Systems and Photosynthesis Directed Readings. 
If you have misplaced either of these you can find them here.
Thursday December 4th
I was at North Allegheny for the Genetics Update conference and you all spent time getting some notes down that we will go through together next week.  In the notes as an introduction was the following crash course video.

You can download the notes from edline or check back here for the slides as we go over them.
I let you listen to the photosynthesis song (the song that you will love to hate!!)

Then we got into a discussion of how we see light.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

bioenergetics intro

Today we started off with the following daily questions:

we then moved into some of the notes

using this slide we also referenced and filled in the first diagram on your "Section 1 energy in living systems directed reading"

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

TEST RETAKE and Thanksgiving fun :)

Today you walked in to my hand turkeys showing that I'm thankful for all my classes this year!!!!

I was SOOO proud of how many students showed up yesterday after school for the review session.  We went through each question on the test and I gave you  not just the "right answer" but spent time learning better skills in GETTING TO the right answer.  Hopefully this paid off for you today!

Any student who scored below an 80% took the test.  The only addition to this exam was that I asked you to tell me one thing you are thankful for!!!  I LOVED some of the hand turkeys I got from you guys!  You're never to old to draw a hand turkey :)

Then I had an extra credit assignment available to work on the rest of the period or over break.  Some of you did that, some drew even more hand turkeys ;)

I then let you watch the little Hoops and Yoyo Thanksgiving video and wished you all a nice relaxing Thanksgiving break!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday and Friday November 22nd and 23rd

Today you had time to finish up the CDT review.  Those that did not get that finished in the allotted time NEED to turn that in tomorrow (It is worth 50 points)

You then started your CDTs which you will finish on Friday.

I also gave you your tests back.  We will talk a little more about this on Monday (I will be at a meeting tomorrow out of the district).   I want to congratulate those who put a TON of effort into this chapter and had it pay off.

For those that didn't do so swell.... don't lose hope!!!  We will be having a whole class retake next Tuesday.  Study up buttercups!!!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

CDT Review

Tomorrow and Friday you will be taking the second round of CDTs.  This time around I am looking for an increase of scores in the first quadrant. 
Today you used your notes/the book/or the blog to answer questions from this first quadrant.
Here are the Keystone Exam Anchors that you tore apart today.