Tuesday, November 26, 2013

TEST RETAKE and Thanksgiving fun :)

Today you walked in to my hand turkeys showing that I'm thankful for all my classes this year!!!!

I was SOOO proud of how many students showed up yesterday after school for the review session.  We went through each question on the test and I gave you  not just the "right answer" but spent time learning better skills in GETTING TO the right answer.  Hopefully this paid off for you today!

Any student who scored below an 80% took the test.  The only addition to this exam was that I asked you to tell me one thing you are thankful for!!!  I LOVED some of the hand turkeys I got from you guys!  You're never to old to draw a hand turkey :)

Then I had an extra credit assignment available to work on the rest of the period or over break.  Some of you did that, some drew even more hand turkeys ;)

I then let you watch the little Hoops and Yoyo Thanksgiving video and wished you all a nice relaxing Thanksgiving break!!

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