Monday, March 11, 2013

Inventory of our traits

Which structure in some unicellular eukaryotic organisms functions to maintain water balance inside the cell?
A.  Oral groove                 C.  macronucleus
B.  pseudopodia                 D.  contractile vacuole

After these we went through an inventory of our traits. 

We first determined our phenotypes on each of these traits and THEN, based on those phenotypes, predicted our Genotypes.  For any of the traits in which we exhibited the dominant phenotype there were TWO different genotypes we could have had - Heterozygous or Homozygous Dominant.  Any trait that you exhibit the recessive phenotype there is only ONE possible genotype:  Homozygous Recessive.
SOMEONE can taste the PTC!!!

Straight pinkies

Most definitely a hitch hikers thumb!

Checking second toe vs first toe

Attached earlobe

More PTC tasters

Bent pinkies 

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