Friday, January 31, 2014

Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Replication

We finished Our notes on DNA replication going over the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA replication.

DNA Molecule Wrap up

Thursday and Friday January 30/31st
We finished the DNA Replication Models yesterday and today - and you turned in your DNA Model diagrams.  What is am looking for on those is
#1.  A labeled nucleotide (The "Key" that we drew originally when making the DNA molecules)

#2.  Your original DNA sequence

#3.  A DNA Sequence during Step 1 of replication with labeled enzyme

#4.  A DNA sequence during Step 2 of replication with labeled enzyme

#5.  The two resulting DNA sequences and labeled "old" and "new" strands.

# 2 - 5 should look something similar to this:
 We also had our Daily Question Quiz today and you had the HONOR (Yes I said HONOR) of watching the following videos to help you better understand the structure of DNA and DNA replication ;)

*** Don't forget the changes I would have made though!!!  GCTA for this first and "The DNA CODES FOR protein" on the second :)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

DNA Replication activity

Today's daily questions led us into the activity for the day.
First you acted like DNA helicase and broke the hydrogen bonds between the nucleotides.  then you acted as DNA Polymerase and began adding new nucleotides on each side.

DNA Replication Intro

Today's Daily Questions and notes:

Thursday and Friday January 23, 24th

Daily Questions from Thursday:

We then started to build DNA models:   See some pics below:
the large gray piece represents
the sugar deoxyribose, the purple
and blue piece represent the
phosphate group, the teal piece
represents cytosine.
Black was thymine

white was adenine
silver was guanine

The nucleotides were then held together by hydrogen bonds

we started by bonding the sugars and phosphates
to make up the "backbone"
Then we bonded the nucleotides together
with hydrogen bonds according to the base pairing
rules (A/T , C/G)

And some classes had a chance to bind them all together!!
Friday we took our daily question quiz and finished up the last of the notes about DNA/Genes/Chromosomes

The following clip does a good job bringing all of this together:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

DNA Day 2

We started out with some simple daily questions today:

I then had you finish the book work from last week and the questions from Friday.  Make sure you have me check off that all of your directed reading is completed.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

DNA intro

We started the day with the following daily questions and spent quite a bit of time on these.  This is a key concept to grasp.  We will be doing a lot of activities and demonstrations to help out with this.  Make sure you are paying close attention to daily questions and any drawings I have been doing.


We are now taking a stop in the S phase of the eukaryotic cell cycle which means we need to take an in depth look at DNA and DNA replication.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Back into the swing of things

Well its been a month since i have posted on here.  After our INCREDIBLY long Christmas break we took our CDTs as a gauge as to how you are progressing towards being proficient on the biology keystone exam in May.  Overall i was very impressed with your progress.  Each of you received your individual scores and many were able to use those scores to replace your midterm score.  Edline is currently updated with any extra credit, DQQ exemptions and makeup tests that were completed by the end of last week.   We also started into the next chapter.  We have only had one daily question for this chapter so far but i have included that here as well.   I am looking forward to a great 2nd semester!!
This was an intro crash course: