Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Thursday and Friday January 23, 24th

Daily Questions from Thursday:

We then started to build DNA models:   See some pics below:
the large gray piece represents
the sugar deoxyribose, the purple
and blue piece represent the
phosphate group, the teal piece
represents cytosine.
Black was thymine

white was adenine
silver was guanine

The nucleotides were then held together by hydrogen bonds

we started by bonding the sugars and phosphates
to make up the "backbone"
Then we bonded the nucleotides together
with hydrogen bonds according to the base pairing
rules (A/T , C/G)

And some classes had a chance to bind them all together!!
Friday we took our daily question quiz and finished up the last of the notes about DNA/Genes/Chromosomes

The following clip does a good job bringing all of this together:

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