Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Effects of pH on Lactase Enzyme

Today we started with the following daily questions which led to our first enzyme activity:

We then did a demonstration to show the activity of Lactase.

We started with the following supplies:

Milk, Powdered Lactase Enzyme, Microtubes, glucose test strips and Vinegar.
We first just wanted to see how lactase works so we added milk to a tube and tested for glucose
In this case the milk tested NEGATIVE for Glucose.  This is because the sugar found in milk is LACTOSE.  The Glucose and Galactose that make up glucose have not been separated yet.

Next up...... we added Lactase to the milk and tested again......
The test strip on the LEFT shows that when adding Lactase enzyme to the milk.
This time we DO see the presence of glucose.  This is because the enzyme lactase cuts the bond between galactose and glucose found in a lactose molecule.

Finally, we wanted to see the effects of pH on enzyme activity.  This time you added some Vinegar (an acid) to the lactase. 

Depending on the concentrations of acid, lactase, and milk.... you had a variety of results.  Some of yours ended up having MORE glucose in them, others the reaction didn't happen at all and some of you it worked less.
This was all indicated by different color changes on the test strips.
       What this tells us is that pH DEFINATELY effects how well the enzymes work!!

More tomorrow on enzyme activity.... this time we'll look at temperature.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Enzymes Introduction

Announcements and Plan for the week
Today we wrote down some background information on Enzymes.  Tomorrow and Wednesday we will continue through enzymes with some labs and activities.
I'm looking to review then on Thursday with our first unit test on Friday.
To start us off, here were the daily questions:
 Then into our Intro Notes on enzymes:

Friday, September 26, 2014

GO BLUE!!!!!

Big game tonight!!!!!

I first gave you time to finish up your concept maps and Organic Chemistry Wrap ups.
Worth 9 Points
- Due TODAY!

Worth 28 points
if you did not finish in class
it WILL be due on Monday
(5 points off for every day after that)

Then we took our Daily Question Quiz

Next up..... Enzymes!!!!  We will spend a couple days on that next week, then have our first major unit exam.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday September 25th: Organic Molecules Wrap Up Assignment

We DID start with Daily Questions today - all three of which came from sample keystone exam websites.  I have included both the answers AND a video of the explanations of how we got to these answers:

You then worked through both an organic molecules Concept Map as well as an organic molecules wrap up worksheet.  You will finish these up tomorrow, take your daily question quiz, and start into enzymes.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Finish Up Organic Molecules

Wednesday September 24th 
Today we skipped over Daily Questions so that we could finish up organic molecules notes.

We have made it through Lipids and Carbohydrates both structure and function.  Today we went through Proteins and nucleic acids.  I have also included videos of discussions of each of these in case you needed more information or missed the discussion that went along with the notes.

Missed lectures?  Here is a good video that discusses lipids in detail

We listened to the following podcast
Other examples of proteins:

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Continue Through Organic Molecules

I was not in the building on Monday so I had the sub go through the following Daily Questions With you.  Today I Talked through them a bit as well.

 Yesterday you also watched the following crash course and answered questions about it.
 Today we started with the following daily questions:
 And worked our way through the following notes:

 We should be able to finish up Organic Molecules Tomorrow and Thursday and Move into Enzymes by Friday!

First Unit Exam will most likely occur next Tuesday or Wednesday.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Building Glucose

Thursday September 18th
The daily questions today were based off an activity first:

oxygen only can bond with 2 other

Hydrogen can only bind with ONE
other atom

CARBON, on the other hand... Can bind with FOUR other atoms!!!

Then we started to build Glucose!!!

We don't "BUILD" glucose molecules in our cells but PLANTS do.  It is important to understand HOW they do this to fully understand then how we break complex carbohydrates down.  The BUILDING of Polymers from monomers is described below:
We will continue with this and move into other organic molecules tomorrow / next week.

Carbons Role in Organic Molecules

Wednesday September 17th
We first finished up the second two daily questions you wrote down from Tuesday
The answer to our first daily question could be found on your book work
Which went along with part of the book.
Next Question was about proteins which also went along with book work:

Next up we started into our organic chemistry notes and model activity:
If you recall from the hank green video this really summarized why Carbon was AWESOME!!!
We then looked at our molecular model sets to see a bit more about the structure and bonding potential of Carbon.