Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Properties Of Water Demos Day 2

GREAT start to the properties of water demonstrations!!!  We started with the following daily question before heading into our next set of activities.
We moved into our next look at Cohesion by adding pennies to a full jar of water to see how many we could add before if overflowed.  Some of you were able to get MANY pennies in there.  Why did this happen??????  Even though the jar was full, the water is SOOO attracted to other water molecules the Hydrogen bonds just get stronger and stronger and the water at the surface keeps "pulling" itself down to keep those bonds.

Next up was Adhesion and Capillary action.
Here were the notes:

And our next activity was using a capillary tube to watch water "climb" up!!
Here is a good video that discusses some of these properties of water we have looked at so far and are going to be looking at tomorrow.

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