Tuesday, January 27, 2015

DNA Replication

FULL DAY OF SCHOOL TODAY!!!!!  (I sense that I am the only one THIS excited about having full class periods with you guys.......)

Today we started with the following daily questions - once you finished writing your daily questions I had you build your own 6 base pair DNA strand to start today's activities.
You Drew out your DNA molecule with room to draw out the steps of DNA replication

First you acted as DNA Helicase and "unzipped" the genes by breaking Hydrogen Bonds.
You then Acted like DNA polymerase by adding NEW nucleotides to EACH side (we used Yellow Deoxyribose to signify the "new" strand)

We finished up with two IDENTICAL DNA strands, each composed of ONE NEW strand and on OLD (TEMPLATE) Strand
Missed today?  Here is a good video from Mr.Anderson that details DNA replication as well.

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