Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday September 8th - FIRST DAILY QUESTION QUIZ!!!

When you came into class today I encouraged you to look over your daily questions.  We then took our first Daily Question Quiz.
Once you turned that in - You wrote down the following daily questions and used our "Keystone Finish Line" book to help with these.
OK..... SO - We have been going through Characteristics of life.  Thursday we saw "Cellular Organization" by looking under the microscopes at a series of different types of eukaryotic cells.  Today we are going to start to see Metabolism, Growth AND reproduction.   I had you swab different areas and smear those swabs onto a nutrient agar plate.  These plates have all the necessary nutrients that bacteria need to grow. I placed your plates into an incubator at body temp (Bacteria LOVE body temperature) You guys came up with some pretty interesting places.  I am curious to see what we get tomorrow!!

Swabbing inside a cast!!  I can only imagine what we will find in there!!!

Home Sweet Home in the incubator!!

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