Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thursday January 14th Cell Growth and Reproduction Introduction

We have our 2nd round of CDTs under our belts and have started into second semester content.  

Before we get into the new stuff... let me remind you that TOMORROW IS A MAKE UP DAY!!!  Retake things, turn in things you are missing, finish your extra credit.  WHATEVER it takes to succeed!!

I also have created a google form for you to fill out if you would like to be exempt from a daily question quiz or assignment.  KEEP IN MIND - IF YOU ARE MISSING ONE OF THESE YOU CAN NOT BE EXEMPT FROM ONE!!  You CAN choose to be exempt from THAT if you are missing it though!!!

Click the image below to be forwarded to the exemption form.
NOW to 2nd semester content:

To start us off we will be learning about cell growth and reproduction.  Some of the big topics in this chapter will be
*  Cell Cycle
*  Mitosis vs Meiosis
*  Cell Cycle Control

We got right back into daily questions.  Here were the DQs from yesterday and Today

AND... We started into our first set of notes for the semester:

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