Thursday, September 28, 2017

Thursday September 19th - Dehydration Synthesis and an intro to lipids

We started off with the following daily questions and I encouraged you to make sure that even if you move them into your notebook (which I LOVE and would do the same), to also make sure to make comments on the google document about some of the reasons that the wrong answers were wrong.

I am proud of how well you guys are getting into this routine of daily questions.  This is going to be CRUCIAL to your success in this class and the Keystone exam!!! :)

After going through these, i gave each of you a Glucose molecule (the one's you built yesterday).

We went through the process of dehydration synthesis (also known as a condensation reaction).  This can be pretty confusing, for sure.  The MAIN ideas that I wanted you to pull from this was that #1. Polymers are formed from the bonding of monomers and #2.  When that happens water is "removed" which is why it is called dehydration (because we dehydrated the molecules) Synthesis (because we were BUILDING something else.)

We wrote a couple notes about lipids today as well.  I will put those slides on here on Monday when we go through more of Lipids.

Tomorrow we have our daily question quiz - so make sure you look over all your DQs AS WELL AS the discussions we had around them.  

GO GET 'EM kiddos!!!!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wednesday September 27th - Building Glucose!!!

Here were today's daily questions:

THEN...... we started to build Glucose!!
*****Stay Tuned for pics added here :) 

Finally - I had you update a couple slides:

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Monday and Tuesday September 25 and 26 - Carbohydrates

The past two days we have gone through a decent amount of daily questions and worked our way through carbohydrates.  Here are the daily questions and notes we have went through the past 2 days:

Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday September 22 - Carbon Intro Daily Question Quiz

Today I gave you guys a little bit of time to look over this week's daily questions and then you logged into google classroom and took your Carbon Intro DQQ.

Once completed with that you had time to finish up the Carbon Compounds Book work from Monday.  We have been working through that together as a class.  This will be graded on Monday.

Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Wednesday September 21 and Thursday September 22nd - Water wrap up and introduction to carbon compounds

So i failed to update the blog the last couple days - but at least the daily questions were on google classroom!!

Here is an update post from the last two days:

And the notes from the last two days:

We then watched the following crash course:

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tuesday September 19th - Wonders of Water wrap up

Yesterday I was out of the district and you guys started working on the next section.  

Today we tried our Daily Questions online.  
I said before, this is going to be a learning curve for all and we will experiment with different uses of the Chromebooks in terms of how much we use the in class.  I probably won't do questions on Study Island again, but will try and use other forms online!!

Here were the questions we went through:
We then continued through some of our properties of water notes:

 If you were absent today, I suggest you watch this video:

Friday, September 15, 2017

Thursday September 14th - Specific Heat

Today we continued through the notes about the properties of water that help support life on earth.  Our focus today was water's high specific heat (or its heat capacity)

We started off with daily questions that reiterate our activities from yesterday:

Then talked through a couple slides of notes:

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday September 13th - Adhesion and Surface Tension

Today we kept moving along on the daily questions:

A couple slides to introduce Adhesion and Capillary Action:

And then some more fun!!

Tuesday September 12th - Cohesion / Surface Tension activities

Tuesday ended up being a pretty jam packed class between daily questions and looking at some pretty sweet properties of water!!  We started here with the daily questions:

Got through a little more notes:

Then we looked at the cohesive and adhesive properties of water:  Fun times in Martin's Mad Biology lab!!!


Monday September 11th - Wonders of Water Intro notes and Videos

Monday we started into daily questions about the properties of water that help support life on earth.  Here were the daily questions:

We Took a couple slides of notes:

and I had Hank Green introduce you the properties of water!!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Getting set up with Google Classroom

So this is your first time at our class blog.  This is going to be the place where you can see, on a daily (or almost daily) basis what we have done in class.  Our daily questions will show up here, our notes will show up here and any videos that I show in class will show up here.  Soooooo......  when you go "MRS. MARTIN....... did we do anything in class yesterday?!?!"  I DON'T Go......
INSTEAD... I go.....  "Check the blog!!!"

This will be my more "creative" outlet for telling you what happens each day - and I will usually share the daily blog link on my Twitter page.  Follow me there to get other updates as well!!!!  

Finally.....  we will do all the "classwork" stuff on Google classroom.  So your FIRST task today is to join our Google classroom.  Follow this link   

Click on the + button in the right hand corner
and enter the following class code (Just copy and paste it):  9yntqlo

NOW.......  Go ahead and do the first two assignments!!!  

Have fun :) :)