Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's all downhill from here guys!!!!

You know as well as I that after Easter break the rest of the year FLIES!!  But.... Hold on tight because  we still have a LOT to do!
HOLD ON!!!!!!

We just finished up our chapter on heredity and now are moving into seeing how we actually GET the traits that we talked about during the last chapter.  Today was an introduction to the structure of DNA.  The daily questions are below

Tuesday April 10th

What does the term DNA stand for?
Deoxyribonucleic acid
What type of organic molecule is it? Nucleic Acid
How many strands are in DNA? Two (Its in the shape of a DOUBLE helix)
What does the term RNA stand for? Ribonucleic Acid
How are DNA and RNA different?
DNA is double stranded, RNA is single stranded
DNA contains the sugar Deoxyribose, RNA contains the sugar     Ribose
DNA provides instructions; RNA actually goes out and MAKES proteins

After that we went through the basics of DNA notes (please check edline to download those if you were out)

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