Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Translation Activity

Today we went through the Translation models.  I KNOW this is confusing right now.  Hopefully between the notes, the activities and the couple clips I show this will start to set in your brains.  Don't get too frustrated right now if you feel like you are lost.  This is not easy stuff - but just like most of these chapters, after a couple activities it all starts to click!!  Here were today's daily questions:

Wednesday April 25th
*During translation the mRNA is read in sets of 3 nucleotide bases known as a Codons
*Each of these codes for a specific Amino Acid
*The molecule that brings each amino acid into the ribosome is known as tRNA.
*Each chain of amino acid starts with the codon AUG, which codes for Methionine

Then we worked through the models.  Check out these pics with descriptions if you missed class today.
Translation in a bag
We have the Ribosome (red) the mRNA (white strand) and
the tRNA (blue) containing the anti-codon and transferring
in the appropriate amino acid (methionine)
The next tRNA brings in the next amino acid
The amino acids form a
peptide bond and the
first tRNA is released
into the cytoplasm

The Chain continues to grow each time the new
amino acid being added to the chain

This will continue until......
(Hammer Time)
Once a STOP codon is reached the
Amino acid chain is released and you
have just created a Protein!
I then had you write out your entire mRNA sequence and the
amino acid sequence that resulted from it......
Open notes quiz tomorrow over transcription and translation.  We will wrap this up tomorrow after that and have our normal DQQ on Friday.  HANG IN THERE - Not much more and the year will be done!!!!

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