Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Natural Selection Wrap Up

Most of you finished the notes on this section yesterday.  Today we went back through and I highlighted a few key areas.  Most specifically we talked about how there is a delicate balance between the ability to not only survive but also reproduce.  Embedded in the notes was the following video clip that summarizes this balance.

You then received questions on this chapter that will act as your test.  I mentioned before that there would not be a stand alone test for this chapter but it WILL be a part of your final.  Tomorrow we will have an open notes quiz, Friday we will have a daily question quiz and what i handed out today will be due on Monday.
Here were today's daily questions.
Tuesday May 15th
*What did Darwin believe fueled evolution (1st step of evolution by natural selection) Overproduction (The fact that organisms have the capability of producing more offspring than the environment they live in can hold)
*This was based off of Malthus’ findings that human population grows Exponentially while the food supply grows Linearly.
*The second step in Darwin’s theory is that individuals in a population exhibit variation.  This “variation” is due to different Alleles.
*Which statement best describes a current understanding of natural selection?
A.  Natural selection influences the frequency of an adaptation in a population
B.  Natural selection has been discarded as an important concept in evolution
C. Changes in gene frequencies due to natural selection have little effect on the evolution of species.
D.  New mutations of genetic material are due to natural selection.

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