Friday, August 24, 2012

First Daily Questions and getting into the "routine"

Today I started the class with our first set of daily questions.  This is how just about EVERY class period will go.  When you enter class, start writing down the daily questions in your notebook and looking for the answers.  I already received the question "Do we have to write down the question?" YES!!!  While today's may not have seemed necessary, other days it will be crucial.  Most Friday's we will have a Daily Question Quiz (DQQ) that are based off of these, you will not be able to actually USE your notes, but that is what you want to use to study for them.  By only having answers written down without questions, you will not know what you are studying!!  This will make more sense as the year progresses.

Here were today's Daily Questions:

Friday August 24

How many times can you use a hall pass in a nine-week period? THREE (This includes if you let me know before class that you need to stop at your locker or go the restroom before class.  If you are back in class after the bell rings - that was a hall pass usage.  After you have used your three hall passes those would be considered tardies)

What parts of the class can you use them?
 First or last 5 minutes of class.  

Biology is the study of what? Life.  The term "-ology" means "The study of" and the prefix "Bio" means "life" (For instance - a BIOgraphy is a story of someone's LIFE)

Tell me one characteristic that you think defines “life”
*** I had you guys brain storm this together and you came up with a lot of these on your own.  I was very pleased with how you worked through this and look forward to doing this more often with daily questions (having at least one that you discuss together and answer on a note card)
The correct answers are:
cellular organization(All organisms contain at least one cell), homeostasis (The ability to maintain a constant internal environment), metabolism(taking in nutrition and releasing waste), responsiveness, reproduction, heredity(all living organisms contain DNA), and growth.

We will be looking at this in more detail on Monday and will probably have this as a daily question again.

In the discussion of metabolism I was able to give you the first "real world" example about Morning breath.  Here is a clip that discusses what I did about morning breath really being the result of Bacteria Metabolizing in your mouth.  So morning breath is sort of "bacteria farts"

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