Thursday, September 26, 2013

Organic Molecules wrap up and study island set up

Today's daily question was a group activity and we spent about half the class period on it.  The instructions were:
Write out the following table, determine which students accurately described the organic molecule correctly and put a star by them.  Those students that did not – Please “tell them” (as if you were grading this paper), what they did wrong and which organic molecule they DID describe. 
I split you into groups then and assigned you each a student, you were to tell me first if they were right or wrong.  If they were right - you were to tell me what specifically they said that was key, if they were wrong you also made notes.  This is what we came up with!!
After that I had you log on to your Study Island accounts.  We will be using Study Island throughout the year.  Two assignments have already been posted and you will get to work on those tomorrow after the daily question quiz.
The website is
Password: 0000StudentID
It will prompt you to change your password.
You'll go to MY CLASSES and the drop down menu you should see Biology (evrard)
You will then see the current assignments
When you click on an assignment ALWAYS look at the Additional Info for any special instructions for each assignment.

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