Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Characteristics of Life Lab Day 2

Daily Question Quiz (DQQ) tomorrow!!!
Today's Daily Question:

 We took a look at some of our results from yesterday.  First we looked at our yeast metabolism lab.  Here were some of the results.
Those with the purple balloons were our control group.  They only added yeast and water.  No food!!  Because the yeast did not have anything to eat...... they released no waste!!  This is a VERY crucial part of an experiment.  Unless you have something to compare results to, you can make no valid conclusions!!!
Next up was a group that added about .5 mls of sugar.  The yeast ate it.... produce a waste product (in the form of carbon dioxide gas) and we captured it in the balloons!!
The red group added 1ml of sugar.  You can see that even more gas was captured
Finally the green group added the most sugar and had balloons that filled up the most!

If i was way cooler than i actually am I could have had us made a fun video like this.... but alas I did not - but if you want to see what happened after you left class check this video out!!
Next up was looking at the asexual reproduction of bacteria.  Some of your plates were just plain NASTY!!!!  Take a look at a couple of these bad boys!!
There was SOOOO much bacteria on this plate that it became a film!! 
this was bacteria from my computer, the remote for the white board and my hand.  Keep in mind that even the SMALLEST colony on these plates contains over a MILLION bacteria.  So there was a TON of reproduction occurring last night!!!
 The last characteristic of life that we are able to visualize is cellular organization.  I let you guys play around with the microscopes and look at different types of tissue underneath them.  Here are some pics from my digital microscope and some taken by my camera through the lens of you microscopes (they aren't very good but you get the point ;)!!!)
  Some action shots of you guys!!
(No faces ;) - No worries!!)

 You then had a lab wrap up worksheet that you started to go through - we will finish that up in class tomorrow after the DQ2

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