Thursday, August 21, 2014

Let's Get This Year STARTED!!!!!

Alright - we survived our first two days!!!!!!
Wednesday the 20th was a time for me to show you guys my basic expectations of the class using a "welcome back" video.  In this, students from previous years gave you advice on how to survive this class.  If you missed the video you can check it out here:

The last day of school last year I had you watch the "2013-2014 Highlight film."  These were pics from different labs and activities from the year.  If you wanted to see that again (or if you didn't see it before) check it out here.

Today - Thursday September 21st we had our first set of daily questions (DQs).  NEXT Thursday will be our first Daily Question Quiz (DQQ).

During Daily Question time I had you collaborate with students around you to brainstorm some characteristics that you think all living things have.  We will be going through all of these over the next couple days so stay tuned for that!!!

Then I showed you a movie trailer of sorts to prepare you for this first chapter.  You can watch that here:

Finally we started into our first set of notes today:

 We will continue through these notes over the next couple days and hopefully have our first lab early next week!!

Nice job so far :)

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