Monday, April 4, 2016

Genetic Technologies all summed up!

I didn't do any posts last week because I felt it easier to give you a main wrap up.  The topic of our discussions were different genetic technologies.  We used our understanding of genes, gene expression, mutations, etc to understand how scientists have used this information to impact the fields of medicine, agriculture, forensics, etc.  Last week we focused mainly on the impact it has on the HEALTH field.  Here were some of the Daily Questions from Wednesday and Thursday of last week.



Here are Some of the clips that we watched last week the referred to gene splicing / gene therapy / etc.

I also had you see how the movie industry uses genetic technologies to enhance their stories!!

 Later.....  we talked through the whole concept of cloning.  I started with a news cast of when the first Mammal was cloned, and then we went through a couple more clips and discussed how this technology can benefit or harm society!

In regard to the Jurassic Park Idea....

Then into cloning Clones and a GOOD question at the end!! (Imagine he inserts the word HUMAN for cows......) 

Which brought us to the inevitable..... cloning of humans.

Today we looked at GMOs (Genetically modified organisms).  The goal for today:

Ultimately I wanted you to know 
#1  WHAT GMOs are
#2  HOW GMOs are made
#3  What the "debate" is all about
#4 How to evaluate those claims (considering sources)
The daily questions for today:

Like last week - today I went through a couple different videos that have different takes.  The first video really just talked about GMOs and a little bit about the debate.

The next two videos I had you consider the source.  The first was published to YouTube by Mercola. Who/What is Mercola....

Note - a proponent of alternative "all natural" medicines etc. 
I encouraged you to even consider the "feeling" you get with this clip.  The music is very "dooming"

NEXT..... was published by Monsanto.... Who/What is Monsanto?!?!
Monsanto is the biotech company that produces these Genetically modified seeds AND is the producer of the herbicide "Round Up"    Soooo again.... consider how THEY would be presenting GMOs
This video has a much "lighter" feel to it.

To describe HOW GMOs are actually made - we went through this video and  I stopped it at points to discuss the genetics behind it all.

Using our understanding of Gene expression - we discussed how inserting a gene from another organism and the subsequent expression of that gene leads to the production of a protein that would not normally  be produced by the organism.  The debate is whether these additional proteins are harmful to HUMANS when ingested.

Again... my goal was not to take one side or the other but simply to get the facts.

The final clip came from the first half of the following video:

There ya go - Lots to think about with genetic technologies!!

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