Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wednesday April 6th - Evolution by Natural Selection Intro

Tuesday was our Genetic Technologies wrap up day.  You had THREE things to do.
#1.  "Gene Technologies in our Lives" Active Reading
#2.  Genetic Technologies Wrap Up Part 1 (The basics)
#3.  Genetic Technology Article Summary

You had the entire period to work through these - anything that was not completed in class yesterday is due on Friday.

Today we started into the next topic - Evolution.  
Our Goals:

You received a study guide to give you and intro and will also be used throughout the next two weeks.

Using that information - you answered the following daily questions.  The majority of the class period was spent on these with some very animated discussion about how natural selection works:

So THAT was a fun conversation for sure!!
If you would like to READ about what I discussed today during the daily questions - here are the book pages that are associated with this topic.(today's discussion would be off page 380-381)

  Today's discussion would go along with page
Next up.....  More intro stuff....

Aaaaand - Just for fun....since the evolution WE are talking about it changes in the genetic makeup of organisms over time... I thought it would be fun to watch the changes in DANCE moves over time ;)

(He has since come out with 2 more versions - They are HILARIOUS!!!)

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