Monday, March 26, 2012

More Complex forms of inheritance

         Today we started with a daily question that focused on incomplete dominance.  Many of you wanted to RIGHT away go with your understanding of simple dominant or recessive traits.   There are a LOT of traits though that get inherited in much more complex ways.  Here was today's daily questions

 A common form of incomplete dominance is in hair texture.  There is an allele for curly hair and an allele for straight hair.... if you are HETEROzygous for the trait you would then have an INTERMEDIATE trait... in this case..... Wavy hair.

 After this we continued to work through the notes.  Most of you got through at least multiple alleles and codominance.  We will have a notes quiz on Thursday so keep up with what we are doing in class!!!  Remember to check edline for any missing notes!!

In our discussion about polygenic inheritance we watched a short Why tell me Why clip about why most babies are born with Blue eyes.  Here it is!

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