Sunday, October 28, 2012

What to expect this week!

Friday we had our Daily question quiz on the different organelles, this will be the first grade of the next nine weeks.  To review for this I had you guys watch the crash  course video below

This week we are wrapping up our unit on cellular structure and function.  Below are the keystone areas that will be assessed on this exam

Monday we will watch one more wrap up video on the different organelles and how they work together.  Following that you will begin your review for this exam.  This includes some writing prompts that will ultimately be part of your exam. (So don't throw it away!!!)

Tuesday we will review for the test - there will be a review game link that i will provide for you.

Wednesday will be the exam, Thursday we will have make ups and go over it, Friday will be an introduction to the next chapter (the cell membrane and cell transport)

Great job this nine weeks guys!!  I told you I would work you hard, but it is paying off!  Keep it up!

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