Friday, January 11, 2013

Midterm Corrections and Extra Credit for End of Nine Weeks

There IS hope even if you didn't do to great on your midterm. 

I gave you all the following announcement - But..........For BlOG READER ONLY (and any body who has me from 5th period on) I changed the date to TUESDAY instead of Monday!!!

Midterm Exam Corrections

The DEAL of a lifetime – RIGHT here – RIGHT now!!!!!!!!
You have the opportunity to gain half of the points back that you missed on the midterm by doing the following.
You will WRITE OUT the question (you don’t have to draw diagrams or charts) and WRITE OUT the answer (don’t just tell me the letter)
Bring this back by Tuesday – With your original answer key and you will receive a half point for each corrected answer.
Remember – these questions do NOT require you to just “look up” something in your notes or the book.  FIRST you need to tear the question apart and determine what I am asking.  THEN take the information I have given you and APPLY it to the situation I am giving you!  Very few of these would be found directly in your notes or the book, it requires more thinking than that. 
If you decided to do this hopefully you picked up a copy of the exam.  If not - Check Edline, I put an electronic copy on there as well.
In addition, there was an end of the nine weeks extra credit option.  This was answering writing prompts from a National Institute of Healh publication called "The New Genetics"  For each full page you complete it was worth 5 bonus points. (So you could recieve up to 25 bonus points on this alone!!!)

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