Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mitosis Activity

Wednesday January 30th
During Mitosis what do you think would be the result if Metaphase was skipped and the cell went straight into Anaphase? (Draw a Picture of what this would look like)
  The chromosomes would not separate equally and each of the resulting Nuclei would have different DNA. - Or as Mia so PERFECTLY put it during 3rd period "It would be like telling a bunch of 1st graders the ice cream man is here and giving away free ice cream but now making them line up in a single file"
I look under a microscope and notice a group of cells. Some cells have a nucleus that looks very “messy” with no defined structures.  There is one cell though that has very distinct structures forming within the nucleus.  What are these structures, what is so important about them being visible now, what stage of mitosis could we infer it is in?

 The Structures are Chromosomes, what is important about them being visible now is that they have condensed (this marks the beginning of mitosis) therefore this would be a cell in prophase
What about the “messy” cells – what stage of the cell cycle are they in? The other cells around would be in interphase.  At this time the DNA is uncoiled and looks just like a "blob".
THEN we turned the classroom into a nucleus.  With all 46 chromosomes that would be present in of our cells.  Check the pics below and their descriptions for more details on that.
Mitosis Activity
FIRST, i placed a couple chromosomes on each of your desks.  Once there were 46 chromosomes "visible" in the room our nucleus would be in prophase. (The chromosomes have become visible because they have condensed) Then we moved into metaphase
You lined up the sister chromatids at the center of our nucleus

Making sure to line them end to end and NOT next to each other

Next step was Anaphase!
You started to pull the sister chromatids away from
each other.  (you were acting like the spindle fibers
at this point.)

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