Monday, April 29, 2013

Macroevolution Notes

MicroEvolution Notes

Who is Darwin and Natural Selection Notes

We DID write out all four Steps of Darwin's theory and noted on 2. Variation that the Variation is
caused by different ALLELES

Evolution and Natural Selection Daily Question Catch up

Monday April 29th
The normal transfer of genetic information that occurs between populations is known as:
Gene Flow
When there is a drastic reduction in genetic variation of a very small population that is isolated, this is known as Founder Effect
Over a period of 4 generations the following allele frequency change occurs due to random chance.  This would be due to:  Genetic Drift
Initial Population
Final Population
Red:  75%
Red:  20%
White:  25%
White:  80%

Friday April 26th

Thursday April 25th
Populations evolve NOT  Individuals

Evolution is a change in Allele Frequencies of a population over time.
Natural selection is nature selecting for two key things.  What are those two key things?
Can I survive and Can I reproduce

Monday, April 15, 2013

Genetic Engineering Wrap up and Study Guide

Monday April 15th 
We started today with the following Daily questions on genetic engineering
i added some comments that we discussed on the WRONG answers here.  Remember, we can learn just
as much or even more about what is WRONG about the WRONG answers as we do picking the correct
We then went through the rest of the Genetic engineering packet to highlight certain areas.  These are places of discussion we had.

I finished with a study guide for you to begin to complete.  We will go over that tomorrow and our test on this will be Wednesday.  (which at that point you will turn in your study guide as well)

Last Daily Question Quiz of this chapter and more Genetic engineering

Friday April 12th 

We started off with our Daily Question Quiz and after I had you watch a couple clips about different forms of genetic engineering and their impact on our lives.  This will lead into discussion about these on Monday.  Again.... JUST because they are videos does NOT = Free time.  You will be tested on the topics that are discussed in further detail in class.  Make sure you have been following along in your packets about genetic engineering and if you have missed I HIGHLY encourage you to watch the videos you missed in class.

Here were the videos we watched Friday after the quiz.  While we did not watch the last documentary in its entirety (as it is almost an hour long)  I encourage you to do this on your own as I saw many of you were interested in this!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Genetic Technology

Thursday April 11th
Even though each body cell in an individual contains the same DNA, the functions of muscle cells and liver cells are NOT the same because….
A.  Mutations usually occur in genes when muscle cells divide
B.  Liver tissue develops before muscle tissue
C.  Liver cells produce more oxygen than muscle cells
D.  Liver cells use different genes than muscle cells.

Even though identical twins have the same genetic material, they may develop slightly different characteristics because
A.  Each twin receives different chromosomes from the egg
B.  One twin may only have genes from the father
C.  Gene expression may be influenced by factors that switch genes on and off
D.  A gene mutation may have occurred before the zygote divided

Today we started into different genetic technologies such as DNA fingerprinting, cloning and transgenic organisms.  The next couple days is going to be a lot of discussion and looking at specific examples.  You will not be writing NOTES on this  (YAY for you guys haha) but you will be following along with the reading and we will continue to use different video clips and news articles to supplement this chapter. 

Here are a couple of the videos we watched and some of the slides we had that sparked some VERY interesting discussions (Especially about human cloning!)