Friday, March 20, 2015

Review - Test - Fight with technology

Well first off.....
Happy Spring
A wrap up of the rest of this week.
*Tuesday we had our formal review for the exam - *Wednesday we took the multiple choice part of the exam. 
*Thursday you completed the constructed response portion of the exam and started your CDT......
Unless you were in first or second period when I was in a full our battle with technology.......
*Friday most of the glitches were worked out and you finished your CDTs.  You seemed to score RIGHT where I had expected.  Most of you were in the Green or Blue range for the second two areas (which are the most recent sections we have learned).  A lot of you went DOWN in the first area, again, which I expected since it has been a while since we learned it and we have learned a LOT this year!!!  That is why a LARGE portion of the two weeks before keystones will be dedicated to module A.

More about that when all the scores are in.

Have a great weekend!!!

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