Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Taking an inventory of our traits.

It's been a beautiful two days so far!!!  A MUCH needed breath of fresh air after a couple rough weeks!!!

Yesterday and Today we worked through an inventory of our traits - here were the daily questions from the past two days:

Here were some of the traits we looked at during our activity.

The BEST was seeing if you can taste the chemical phenylthiocarbamide (PTC)

Here is a little more science behind that.

how taste works

Please understand, though, that the traits we looked at the past two days are MUCH MORE complex than a simple "Dominant/Recessive" pattern.  The following link takes you to an interesting site that explains these common myths of human genetics.

After finishing up that "Inventory of our traits" activity  - I continued on discussing a little about genetic disorders and one of my FAVORITE videos of the year was shown.....

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