Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday October 26th - Factors that affect enzyme activtiy

Before our lab tomorrow I wanted to make sure that you had a solid grasp on both enzyme structure / function but ALSO how different factors affect enzyme activity.  Recall that Enzymes are PROTEINS (PacMan Protein!!), proteins are made up of amino acids, these are held together by peptide bonds, anything that alters the bonds will also alter the shape of the amino acids and subsequently the enzymes themselves......

Blah blah blah blah.........

Here are the daily questions - which we talked about IN DETAIL!!!   We spent a LOT of time going over WHY the right answers were in fact correct and what made all the wrong answers WRONG.

Then we went through a couple slides about the affects of pH and temperature on enzyme function.  Tomorrow we will get to SEE those affects in action!

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